Where Can I Serve?

First Southern  has a variety of ministry opportunities for everyone to get involved. These opportunities are geared toward equipping the people of God to be able to take what they have learned and share it with others who do not have a relationship with Christ.

Men’s Bible Study

On Wednesdays Evenings there is a Bible Study that is open to any men who want to attend. We go through specific themes in Scripture using the Inductive Study Method to uncover those gems that are in God’s Word. This a time for men to gather together and grow n the Lord.


God-honoring worship is something we strive for. If you are interested in using your talents to praise thew Lord then this is the place for you to serve.  Whether instruments or vocally there is a place for you. We have a praise band that leads worship on Sunday mornings as well as special musical arrangements that are sung by a choir at Christmas and Easter

Women’s Bible Studies

On Wednesday Evenings a group of women meet at the church in order to study the Word of God. They fellowship and grow together as the seek to understand God more and create a deeper relationship with Him and others.


Youth meets on Sunday Evenings. This is a time for young men and women to dig deeper into the Word to see what God has in store for their life. If you are called to work with young people, volunteers are always needed in this important ministry

Prayer Warriors

Prayer cannot be overestimated. Prayer moves the hand of God. Our Church is a body of believers dependent upon prayer, and committed to God’s sovereignty. Each Wednesday Evening we meet in the sanctuary to begin a time of corporate prayer for the needs of our congregation and community,

Community Outreach

Multiple times throughout the year First Southern Baptist engages in specific community outreach opportunities. From our back to school bash, movie nights,  junior college sports dinners, and Vacation Bible School there are numerous ways to be involved in helping others an making a difference for the Gospel in this community

Children’s Ministry

On Sunday Evenings an age specific curriculum for children is taught here at the church. With the number of children continuing to grow, opportunities abound to be a part of this special ministry here at the church.