Weekly Fellowship and Ministry


Sunday School for all ages     Sunday        9:30  a.m.
Morning Worship                        Sunday        10:45 A.m.
Evening Worship                          Sunday        6:00 p.m.
Children’s Worship                     Sunday         6:00 p.m.
Women’s Bible Study                   Wednesday   6:00 p.m.
Youth Group                                 Sunday         6:00 P.M. 


Men’s Bible Study                         Wednesday  7:00 p.m.
Prayer Meeting                            Wednesday  6:30 P.M.
current Events
December 22nd: Candlelight Service 
Food Pantry: Collecting Nonperishable food items
AVPC: Needs Infant Formula

Come Join Us

Service Time is 10:45 am and 

Sunday School is at 9:30 am
After each service the sanctuary and other rooms in use will be disinfected.  Nursery Provided during Worship Service. We also have Children’s Church during the worship service as well. 
For those who can’t be in attendance we will be posting the sermons on the website on Monday afternoon. 


We look forward to worshiping together!